

Creating cultural connections through everyday learning

Exploring shared culture is part of the everyday at Catholic Early EdCare. This NAIDOC Week, the kindergarten children from services on Quandamooka land proudly showcase all the ways they honour First Peoples of Australia.

St Cecilia’s new playground, where friendships flourish

Catholic Early EdCare services provide children with plenty of opportunities to explore, discover and connect outdoors.

Healthy benefits of outdoor play for children

Catholic Early EdCare services provide children with plenty of opportunities to explore, discover and connect in the outdoors.

Exploring shared culture part of everyday at kindergarten

Whether it’s through play, art, song, stories or daily rituals, our educators are led by the natural interests of children, to know more about Australia's First Nation's history, culture and language in ways that are meaningful for them.

Under Eights Week highlights strong community connections

Under Eights Week highlights strong community connections as schools and services came together to celebrate play.

Helping children to grow respectfully and socially

By developing an understanding of their own unique place in the community, and the world around them, children develop a sense of self, as well as respect for others, the community and the planet.

Six important lessons your child will learn at a Catholic Early EdCare Kindergarten

Catholic Early EdCare’s kindergarten program will prepare your child to confidently transition to school.

Our Safe Sleep and Rest Policy

Your child’s health and wellbeing is our top priority and we recognise the essential role sleep, rest and relaxation plays in your child’s development.

Catholic Early EdCare – six ways we help your child grow

The environment you will find in our centres reflect our aspirations for children. What are your goals for your child in their first five years? What do you want your child to get out of an early learning environment?