Notre Dame OSHC at Bells Creek now open
We are pleased to announce the opening of Notre Dame Outside School Hours Care, at the Sunshine Coast’s newest school, Notre Dame College at Bells Creek.
Your child’s health and wellbeing is our top priority and we recognise the essential role sleep, rest and relaxation plays in your child’s development.
Your child’s health and well-being is our top priority and at Catholic Early EdCare we recognise the essential role sleep, rest and relaxation plays in your child’s development.
Catholic Early EdCare’s sleep and rest policy was developed in consultation with the Queensland Government’s Department of Education and is centred on the latest evidence-based advice from Red Nose, recognised as the national authority on safe sleeping practices for infants and children.
Alana Crouch, Director Catholic Early EdCare explains the policy and how the organisation implements Red Nose’s advice to provide your child with the opportunity to sleep, rest and relax in a safe and nurturing environment.
“Our focus is on education and communication,” Ms Crouch said.
“We work with parents and carers to understand your child’s sleep needs, for example from the outset we ask parents to complete a sleep and rest profile for their child and we let you know how your child has slept during the day.
“Staff monitor your child visually and audibly when sleeping, resting and relaxing within our centres.
“All staff are regularly trained in safe sleep practices and best-practice advice is displayed to continually prompt awareness.”
The sleep areas located within Catholic Early EdCare’s long daycare centres are well ventilated, have natural light and maintain a room temperature appropriate for the season. All cots, mattresses, beds and mats comply with Australian standard.
Ms Crouch said younger children were each assigned a cot in the nursery and a staff member would be with your child at all times.
“Cots may be brought into the playroom so educators can keep a watchful eye on your child while still engaging with other children,” she said.
“As your child grows and their sleep needs evolve, we recognise the importance of rest time and providing an environment that allows for variety with quiet activities for some while others sleep.
“We’re all different and no child is expected to go to sleep at the same time for a set length of time. Every day is different and we need to accommodate these differences to help children rest and relax.
“It’s a flexible approach to achieve a sleep and rest schedule that works for your child and family unit.”
Talk to us about your child’s sleep routine, so we can discuss how we can best support their sleep and rest needs.