Prioritising the safety and wellbeing of children
This Child Protection Week, Catholic Early EdCare is reaffirming its commitment to safeguarding children and young people.
At Catholic Early EdCare our aim is to help your child grow and blossom. We do this by incorporating the latest early education research and practice into our programs and creating spaces where children can connect, grow and discover.
The early years of education and care are the foundation for every child’s future. At Catholic Early EdCare, we see the early years as an opportunity to instil in children a love of learning and self-discovery that will continue to grow through our prep and primary school partnerships and their further education. In this way we share the aspirations of all families to watch their children grow.
Children use creativity and curiosity as tools to explore their world. We encourage your child to share their interests with us so our programs and play spaces ignite their curiosity and help them grow creatively.
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Respect for our children and teaching them respect, is essential to helping them grow. We encourage children to take responsibility for their actions so they begin to understand how their actions impact others.
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Children are innately spiritual and spirituality plays an important role in self-discovery and learning. As a faith-based organisation we will respect and nurture the spirituality and faith of your family.
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Confidence comes when the things that are important to us are respected. What’s important to your child is important to us, which is why we adapt our learning environment to suit the needs and interests of each child.
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Children have a lot in common, but it’s the sparks of individuality that often shine a light on how they learn. We look for those sparks so we can help each child express their individuality and learn through it.
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How children form relationships outside their family is important. Our educators will pay careful attention to how your child socialises and will help them develop important social skills.
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