
Our commitment to safeguarding children and adults

The safety and wellbeing of children and adults at risk is a top priority for Catholic Early EdCare. We take our responsibilities in this area very seriously and want to assure all families that we have the appropriate practices and policies in place to deliver on this responsibility.


Our safeguarding commitment

Catholic Early EdCare is also part of Centacare and the Archdiocese of Brisbane. The Archdiocese has zero tolerance for all forms of abuse and is committed to safeguarding everyone involved in its activities, ministries and services. We believe the safety and wellbeing of children and adults-at-risk is paramount. You can find out more about the Archdiocese approach to safeguarding here.

At Catholic Early EdCare, we manage any safeguarding issues in accordance with our internal safeguarding policy and the following external resources:


If you have a safeguarding concern regarding a Catholic Early EdCare service this should be reported to:

Phone: 07 3367 6300

Email: [email protected]

Or you can complete the contact form on our website here.

Reports about abuse, harm and other serious misconduct by Centacare, Catholic Early EdCare or archdiocesan personnel can also be made to an independent external service, STOPline. Reports can be made to STOPline anonymously by phone, email or online.

Phone: 1300 304 550

Email: [email protected]


Anyone who has knowledge of criminal offending against a child or adult at risk, by Centacare, Catholic Early EdCare or archdiocesan personnel, is strongly encouraged to report the matter directly to the Queensland Police Service.

If the situation is an emergency or a child or adult is at immediate or life threatening risk contact 000.

If a child or adult is at risk of serious harm, contact the Queensland Police Service directly on Policelink 131 444.

Support available

If the information on this page has raised concerns for you, there are many services available that you can reach out to. This includes:

If a child or adult is at immediate or life threatening risk call 000.

If you or someone you know has experienced sexual abuse as a child in an institution or organisation, assistance may be available through The National (Child Sexual Abuse) Redress Scheme. You can find out more about this scheme here.