Catholic Early EdCare – six ways we help your child grow

The environment you will find in our centres reflect our aspirations for children. What are your goals for your child in their first five years? What do you want your child to get out of an early learning environment?

  • 21 February 2019

At Catholic Early EdCare we approach childcare as an important partnership with you and your child through their first five fundamental years.

We offer a nurturing environment where your child will feel safe, confident and happy to explore and grow.

We aspire to help your child grow:  individually, creatively, socially, confidently, spiritually and respectfully.

Here’s our commitment to you.


Taking time to get to know your child and nurturing them based on their individual strengths, abilities, talents and motivations is important to us. We acknowledge developmental stages rather than ages and are guided by your child’s individual routines. Self-directed play is encouraged in an environment that provides opportunities for your child to express their own ideas, actively engage in their own learning and celebrate what makes them unique. Discover more on our supportive approach to individuality.


We build on your child’s creativity and imagination to create quality, play-based learning experiences. We provide environments that allow your child to initiate experiences using their imagination. Explore our views on creativity.


We create opportunities to learn through play as it is through play that your child learns to connect with and contribute to the world. We encourage mixed-age play and believe it helps to foster kindness and empathy. Here’s how.


We offer a community centred environment that focuses on a sense of belonging. We set achievable expectations based on your child’s progress and give them opportunities to develop at their own pace so they can thrive and reach their full potential at school and beyond. Confidence unlocked.


The Catholic values of care, compassion, honesty, kindness and thankfulness are displayed through our actions, symbols, stories and sharing exercises. Our early learning program is focused on spiritual development and we celebrate all faiths and cultures. Read more about the benefits of nurturing your child’s spirituality.


Your child learns to respect themselves and others through multi-age play. We encourage your child to make their own decisions and take responsibility for their actions. We adopt your child’s own routine and respect their need for space. Learn more about our respectful approach.

What are your aspirations for your child in their first five years? What are they curious about? Contact us to talk to our team and discuss.