

Healthy benefits of outdoor play for children

Catholic Early EdCare services provide children with plenty of opportunities to explore, discover and connect in the outdoors.

The Speedy Sloth, National Simultaneous Storytime 2023

Children from Catholic Early EdCare services have joined millions of students and teachers across the country to read ‘The Speedy Sloth’, as part of 2023 National Simultaneous Storytime. 

Six important lessons your child will learn at a Catholic Early EdCare Kindergarten

Catholic Early EdCare’s kindergarten program will prepare your child to confidently transition to school.

A nurturing environment fostering creative minds

We acknowledge the profound role the environment plays on how we learn and our behaviour. Catholic Early EdCare’s long day care centres and kindergartens have been consciously designed to nurture a calm, relaxed environment and incorporate structures for creative play.

Catholic Early EdCare – six ways we help your child grow

The environment you will find in our centres reflect our aspirations for children. What are your goals for your child in their first five years? What do you want your child to get out of an early learning environment?